Anton's Ideas

Anton Wills-Eve on world news & random ideas

Month: December, 2013

Towards The Year’s End


Very soon now we will be into 2014 and marking the centenary year of the first world war. It must have been wonderful a century ago today to be looking forward to a New Year in which most people in the western world feared that conflict might soon break out between Germany and Britain, if not more countries, but safe in the belief that the power of the British Empire would soon crush any military threat from Kaiser Bill. We were invincible in those days, or so we believed, and could see no further into the future than a week or so ahead  because the world was not going to change and we ran it. What lessons have we learned since then?


To start with, we forgot that our power and wealth were based on the money we had accrued from  our great days of industrial invention which spanned the century from 1770 to 1870. From then on, approximately, we were living off the wealth which our lead in the means and the source of everything we needed to maintain our place as top nation were, by 1914, dependent on owning our colonies and sitting back and enjoying the fruits of our forefathers’ labours. The Germans, on the other hand, had spent the whole of the previous 100 years from Waterloo in 1815 to the start of 1914 in gaining supremacy in continental Europe where only the French could keep up with them, and again only because of their colonial possessions . The Franco-Prussian war of 1870 to 1871 should have told us to stamp on the German threat then. But as most of our rulers had German relations we had neither the interest nor the inclination to do this. When the United states produced the first working aeroplane at the turn of the century the whole world should have seen that the New World was about to become the New Top Nation as well. But those who did just sat back, again, and lived well off what they had. It was obvious to a blind man that the balance of power was moving but those who could have made sure this balance was carefully monitored and controlled for the good of everyone did nothing. And then there was another element that effectively changed the world in the last half of the nineteenth century.


Industrial wealth and colonial exploitation of sources of wealth were only made possible by the use of very poorly paid workers or slave labourers. Two works which changed the world’s approach to the poor appeared in the 1850’s and 1890’s. The first, Das Kapital, by Karl Marx advocated a complete change in the world order and the levelling of all social orders under what came to be known as Communism. But this was a doctrine opposed to the possession of money or almost any property and thus also was against any religious teachings which allowed people to hold what they had. The great encyclical of Pope Leo XIII in 1891, Rerurm Novarum, (concerning the new order of things) laid down for the whole world the first sensible rules governing the rights of workers and their duties to their employers, and the duties of these employers to treat their workers humanely and pay them a negotiated living wage. This idea that a trade union need not be anti-capitalist, but on the contrary a tool for making capitalism work better for the good of all, ultimately became the central idea of all political parties which used the word liberal in their names. But it took a war which killed millions of working men, but very few rich employers, to awaken the average citizens of all countries to the plight of workers globally.  Unfortunately it also stigmatised the people who owned and controlled the means of workers’ earning their living and, by being ignored by too many governments for too long, led to the forty five years of dreadful Communist oppression in Asia and Eastern Europe from 1945 to 1990. If a Tory government had been returned to power in Britain in 1945, instead of a Labour Party with a huge chip on its shoulder and no concept whatever of world affairs, it is most probable that Communism would never have been allowed to survive in Eastern Europe and possibly even China.

Yet today we can look with hope upon a different world map to that of 1914. Islam controls the majority  of the world’s wealth, and for the same reason as we and the United States, did 100 years ago. The ethos behind its method of ruling the countries it controls does not allow for the inhabitants to have a say in what is or is not right concerning how the ordinary citizen conducts their own life. We did this in Asia, Africa and the West Indies especially, but today we do it nowhere. Islam has another 623 years to go to catch up with our concept of democratic government and we can only hope that it will not take this long for it to change its ways. If it does not I greatly fear that the third world war will be between Muslims and the rest of the Industrial countries. But personally I suffer from optimism and do not believe that the average Muslim would let this happen. At least it is my fervent hope and prayer for the next hundred years, even if I will not be around to see whether I am right or not.

Happy Christmas

I have no idea how many people ever read my posts and poems but to those who do I wish a very happy, healthy, holy and enjoyable Christmas. Tomorrow is the celebration of the birth of our Saviour and I was very upset today to read the lead story in the Daily Telegraph pointing out just how persecuted Christians are in our modern world in their own country. I have no idea whether reminding people that Christianity is how God wants everyone to live, and how all other religions just get in the way of making this possible for so many people, is permitted or not in our politically incorrect country. There is no reason I can think of why I should not be allowed to say that I love all my fellow men and pray for them every day, while at the same time reserving the right to preach the gospel as God wants me to no  matter how many other religions it may contradict. The greatest tragedy in Britain in my lifetime has been the way infidels, and by that I mean people who do not share my Faith, have been encouraged by so many people in authority to claim their right to preach heresy with immunity, while Christians  are not allowed to point out that these doctrines are false.

So my main resolution for 2014 is to do all I can to work towards changing the law in this country so that everybody can preach what they believe without the fear of being fined or imprisoned as they are now. I do not wish any members of any other religions, or people who do not claim to have a religion, any ill will at all. Quite the opposite; they are all God’s creatures and for that reason they should be allowed to hear and decide for themselves  whether the Christian Church preaches the truth or not. I believe it does and I do not recognise any person or organisation’s claim to say they have the right or the power to stop me telling all my fellow men that this is so. Therefore I repeat my message. Have a happy and holy Christmas and make your resolution next year to help bring about tolerance in everyone’s heart no matter what they believe or how they worship.

God Bless you all.







I Spy, well don’t we all

The wonderful hysteria surrounding the question of just who is spying on whom as the NSA revelations are propelled into the headlines by journalists with nothing better to do, is really very amusing.

Since the cold war ended 23 years ago the spies of the UK and the USA et al – esp the Russians-, had to justify their pay cheques somehow. So naturally they spied on each other. After all it is what they had always done and were not really trained to do anything else. Everybody knows that absolutely nothing is secret or unknown in the world that really matters and the only really unpleasant side of this story is that spies still get paid at all. I had to sign three sets of official secrets acts to do my job and never did I break any of them. I did not have to, it was we journalists who supplied the intelligence – god what a misnomer!- services with everything they knew. Still they do have power and that IS disturbing. But there are worse things in this world than a set of incompetent James Bonds running around with the latest technology trying to find out totally useless information about each other. I wonder what Santa will bring them.

Don’t Ask

Look not on me with doubting in your mind,

Or seek to fathom my passion, or ask its kind.

Nor ask the reason for your own heart’s song,

The answer is too far away, and far too long.

Be glad you feel for me as I know you do,

Being lost in me will twice suffice for you.

But loving, still wondering what you feel,

Is false joy for such love is never  real.

If I make love, sensing you are in any doubt

My love is just for you, then nought will out.

Save lustful satisfaction, with no inner fires.

They only burn if I am all your heart desires.

Five types of love

I recently came across some old notebooks from my school days and found the following few lines,jotted down in Latin, presumably from an RE or Ancient History lesson in the upper sixth form. Anyway I like the idea expressed and, for what it is worth, this my translation. The ideas are all the hermit’s.
From the ‘lex penta amore’ by Phillipus of Egypt (floreat circa.175 AD)—-I wish I could remember who he was!

There are five ways of loving and of responding to that love.Three are physical and two spiritual.


1) heterosexual (From the first sight neither of you are in any doubt. You make love)
2) homosexual (Give in; or wonder whether you should restrain yourself; if you do your reward is usually a broken heart)  ;
3) In all cases, if unmarried, practise total abstention (lest the sin into which you lead the other should condemn you both to perdition.)


1) You fall in love with God (if you live by the laws of his love for the whole of your life you naturally hope you will reach Heaven).
2) If you try to be good, but fail, whatever love you indulge in you will be judged by Him in His mercy. A very beautiful thing  indeed

I wish I could find further references to him and examples of his thought.

Why Faith Schools Must Be Retained

A report that has received a lot of media attention today claims that ‘Faith Schools’ discriminate in favour of less poor pupils  and has led to the usual crop of bigoted blogging by ill-informed people with chips on their shoulders. The most common cry from such blogs is that faith schools should be abolished, or at least  religion should not be taught in state schools.

Do you they really know what that would mean? Seriously? Religion should play no part in schools? What would be left if you took it away? No history, no sociology, no geography, no medical sciences etc because without explaining everything we learn, within its religious and historical context, you might as well make up a whole new history of the world based on lies. This has nothing to do with the divine side of religious education, it is the basis of everything we are taught. God help me if I had been deprived of RE classes at school. They put everything else I was taught in perspective. Also that is why they produce the brightest and best educated pupils in the country no matter what their socio-economic or ethnic background.

I can only suppose that people who oppose teaching pupils the importance of the part religion plays in the every day life of so many people, and especially the part it plays in accounting for the reasons why the world has developed as it has irrespective of whether the outcome is a good thing or a bad thing, are either ignorant of the importance of religion in the history of mankind or just don’t want to be told how other people think they should behave. They don’t have to take any notice of religious instruction, that is up to each individual, but to deny pupils the chance to know what others think and then judge such issues for themselves is quite simply denying them a very important part of their education.  Anyway, all education is only one set of people exercising their right to use free speech to make a point to others, so why should anyone object to that? The only reason I can think of is that they are scared, and cowards never make good judges of anything. It takes courage both to be right and to publicly advocate being right in one’s own opinion.